Keep Smashing Mugs | How I Met Your Mother (Trilogy Time - 7x20)

By the way, Ted, this is Melanie.
You'll be seeing a lot more of Melanie.
BARNEY: Wait-wait-wait a minute!
Who is Melanie?
Come on, Barney,
if there's one thing I can count on not to change,
it's you walking in with some random girl on your arm.
No, I don't want that.
For the first time in my life,
I don't want to find myself in three years with some random girl,
no matter how many boobs she has.
I want to be with Quinn.
you're gonna be seeing a lot more of Quinn.
Dude, we've been to the Lusty Leopard. We've seen plenty.
I kind of walked into that one. All right, bye-bye.
What are you doing?
We're living together, I'm excited about it,
and I'm getting rid of my mugs.
That was mine.
Sorry. I don't know which are which.
Truth is, I never drink coffee at home.
This one? Mm-hmm.
There! I don't need my coffee mugs 'cause I got yours!
For the rest of my life.
Or as... long as you'll have me.
We haven't really talked about the future.
Did I make things awkward?
Just keep smashing mugs.
Or donate them.
Point is,
I plan on being with you for a long time.
You okay with that?
Sounds great.