You need to be able to concentrate if you
want to get ahead in your career.
When you can focus intensely on your work, you get more done.
And, when you put your entire attention and energy into a task, it often means that you're doing your very best work.
The good news is that there are lots of things that you can do to improve your concentration.
Start by looking at your workspace.
Make sure that you're completely comfortable.
After all, if your chair is uncomfortable,
or your desk isn't at the right height,
your attention will be on how you feel, and not on your work.
If you work in a space where noise is a distraction,
try listening to instrumental music, or "white noise" on a set of headphones.
Next, look at how you work.
Do you take frequent mini-breaks to check emails or return phone calls?
If this sounds like you,
keep in mind that it can take several minutes to regain your focus every time you stop working on a task.
Instead, set specific times to check email
and return calls.
If practical, close your email program and
turn off your phone to avoid temptation.
Also, remember that, while it's important to stay focused during the day,
no one can stay focused constantly.
You'll actually improve your concentration
by taking regular breaks.
Say, every sixty to ninety
When you do this, stand up and stretch, or
walk down the hall to get a glass of water.
While it seems counter-intuitive,
stopping what you're doing to get up and move around will actually help you get more done in the course of the day.
Finally, if your colleagues are a distraction
and there's a task or project that your really need to focus on,
think about working somewhere else.
Book a meeting room, move into an empty office,
or even head to the local coffee shop to work.
Now, read the article that accompanies this video to find out more about improving your concentration.